Fear is a feeling we all often get but rarely admit to. Today fear overcame me. I had a million thoughts pummel my mind while at my internship and I was reminded what true fear felt like. Just thinking about my career path, my relationships with people, just overall change... I was terrified. I honestly don't remember my last couple hours at work. I was scared and I felt guilty about it. I am an optimist, a vocalized optimist. I believe in faith, good vibes and blessings. Should I even be afraid? Every problem in my life has always worked itself out, sometimes in my favor and when it has not worked in my favor, I have gained much more than what I thought I needed at that time. So I come back to the things that worry me... I like many people have had a vision for their life. Well what happens when that vision becomes distant? Should I trade it for a more obtainable, easily reachable reality or do I dare go after the things I see for my myself, the desires I've had for so long?
I needed that dosage of fear today so that it would push me. Everybody needs fuel. Fear is my fuel, I had become complacent. I think when we are about to settle into something that is not fit for us, We are shaken up so that we remember to do better because our happiness depends on it.
It's Never Too Late
After I sat and worried because I knew that whatever decision I soon had to make, would determine so much in my life I made the decision to no matter what opportunity I get, that I should still go after whatever the hell I want as I long as I think its best for me. Nobody is better off if I don't go after what Is best for me. I don't want mediocrity and I don't want anyone else I know or anyone who reads this post to want it either. Go after something, get let down and try again. That's what I plan on doing until I get it right. You can be smart about it, make money while working on the bigger picture. Remember that its just a stepping stone. Trust god or whom or whatever you believe in so that you can be guided into the most fullfilled life that you could possibly live.
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