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3 Tips to Help Build Self Esteem.

I remember when I first got on Tumblr, I would scroll through pages of gorgeous women and think "I wish my nose looked liked that or I love her hair texture, why can't mine look like that?" I was comparing myself to people I would never look like on a constant basis. After a while of doing this, my negative thoughts started to consume me and I was tired. Recognizing that these women were not the problem nor was tumblr, I knew the cause stemmed from me. I started working on pushing excessive negative thoughts about myself from my mind by making my self conscious of the negative thoughts that would creep into my mind so that I can stop them. Slowly but surely, I was able to gain better control of my thought process. Helping me to become more positive or at least stay neutral.

Tip 2:
Another importans step was to stop comparing myself to other people. The only person anyone should compare themselves to is themselves . There is nothing wrong with being inspired by others but admiring someone does not involve envy, self doubt, or comparison. Admiration is just appreciation of another. You should not see all the good in others and put yourself down. Not to mention with all the people you see that you think are beautiful, I'm sure not all of them look the same and if you can admire the differences in them, you should be able to do the same for yourself. The more positively one views diversity in others, the more positively they see themselves.

Tip 3:
 One thing that also plagued myself and others is the constant need of approval or compliments from other people. One of my favorites quotes is " If you live off a man's compliments, then you will die from his criticism." With the invention of the like button or the reblog, and the retweet buttons, people are living their lives to gain approval from others. If you don't take a pic of how nice you look one day, you still looked nice that day. Ask yourself why do you need to have everyone's approval. Then try to fulfill that through your self. We all use social networking and it's nice that people agree but think more so in terms of just sharing and you'll stop waiting by your phone for those Instagram notifications.

1 comment:

  1. Officially living by that quote! The words are simple, however there is a deeper meaning behind them, which I understand! I often find myself posting pics just to see if others agree on how I feel about myself at that moment, or even to value the negative comments &/or criticism. Yet, it should not even be about that, but of you appreciating yourself regardless of others opinions! I ♥ it!


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