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Encouraging Myself

It's weird sometimes when you're trying really hard to make your vision come to fruition, you will find that people are not there to support you. I have to constantly remind myself to not become disheartened by people's reactions to me. It's sucks that in the world we live in it's easier to doubt yourself then to believe in yourself. In the bible god says that all you need is the faith the size of a mustard seed. Willpower is the difference between the individual that sees there dreams realized and the person that does not. "When you really want something all of the world conspire's in helping you achieve it." That is the quote I live by. My purpose in starting my blog because I was in a place in my life when I was discovering how to truly be positive and I wanted to share. I want my journey of being the best version of myself to transpire into the same journey for many people and until I reach that goal I'll keep encouraging myself until I do.

Best to you all :) 
P.S. If you click the red text it leads you to a free version of the book The Alchemist online.  

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